Get Rid Of Mobile Phone Addiction in 7 Proven Ways
| September 15, 2022
What Is Mobile Phone Addiction ?
The usage of technology is growing quickly as time goes on, and Mobile Phone Addiction are becoming more and more common. It has made things difficult for us. Mobile technology has expanded our ability to communicate with those who live far away from us, yet those who were formerly near to us are now moving away from us.
Despite the fact that mobile phone technology has made things easier for people in the current period, it has also caused a great deal of issues. While excessive mobile phone usage harms our physical and emotional health, it is equally worrying how it ruins relationships with those who live with us. And one of the major contributing factors of our anxiety and mind distraction.
We must take some actions that can protect us from this harm if we truly want to prevent our relationships from suffering and transform our lives for the better.
Nowadays, everyone seeks mental tranquilly, but few people actually consider the causes of our tension and anxiety as well as potential remedies.
Phones are useful and beneficial. It’s what allows you to read this post right now. But if we let them, we are all too aware that they also have the capacity to negatively impact our lives.
Mobile Phone Addiction is getting worse. People are so often find themselves mindlessly scrolling Facebook though initially, they took their phone only to check the weather. Sometimes they grab their phone without any reason at all. Even if they have no alerts or notifications, the majority of individuals check their phones once every 15 minutes or fewer.
Everyone nearby is acting similarly to us. Every day, the typical smartphone user checks their device 47 times. 85% of users continue to do this even when speaking to their loved ones. An average user in 2018 used their mobile device for 3 hours each day. Which is the major cause of depression and anxiety. the rate of severe depression among girls increased by 58%. Just consider those figures! Many researchers believe the rise in suicides is a direct reflection of the negative effects of Mobile Phone Addiction.
We have developed a level of anxiety around our use of technology, believing that we are missing out if we don’t check in as frequently as we believe we should.
Along with the lost of time, using your phone excessively can Mobile Phone Addiction and also have a negative psychological impact. Social media may be detrimental to your mental health, according to several studies, and Facebook admitted that passive usage of its social network can make individuals feel depressed.
If we use our mobile phones more frequently, the effects of this usage are astounding, lowering the standard of communication, negatively affecting problem-solving and short-term memory, Negatively affecting our sleep patterns, Resulting in more negativity, distress, and less emotional recovery in young children, increasing obesity, And the positive correlation between smartphone addiction and depression is alarming.
Here are some uncomplicated suggestions to help you reorganize your behaviour if you’re craving more specific actions to reduce your Mobile Phone Addiction than just saying, “I’ll go on Facebook less” or “I won’t check Snapchat at work.”
Purchase A Reasonably Priced And Unattractive Smartphone To Reduce Mobile Phone Addiction
Purchasing a cheap, unattractive phone is a relatively straightforward answer to lower your Mobile Phone Addiction. Your dependence on mobile devices could be curbed with only this phone. Because the majority of people unintentionally use their phones in public to show how modern and costly mobile phone they are using.
But very quickly they forget everything and become immersed in their smartphone. Your Mobile Phone Addiction difficulty may be solved by a less appealing phone since you won’t feel comfortable using an unattractive phone in public, during a conference, or at any other social event.
The unattractive mobile trick is not about making your phone impossible to use. The goal of the practice is to make each usage of it more attentive. It will be crucial for beating cellphone addiction and will also help you become more social

Before Picking Up Your Phone, Take A Moment To Ponder.
We use our cell phones most of the time for no particular reason. Sometimes when we check the weather on our phones, we end up becoming lost in the applications. Using a phone without a defined purpose not only wastes our time but also causes us to lose concentration and become distracted, which leads to a host of other issues.
Consider why you are doing this at this precise moment every time you are going to unlock your phone. Put your phone away until there is a specific need to use it.
But more often than you may imagine, there are deeper motives for checking your phone. For instance, I’m not very good at networking and find a huge room full of strangers unsettling. I just gaze at my phone and seem busy when I should be striking up a conversation with someone.

Disable As Many Push Notifications As You Can
It’s the equivalent of letting a store clerk grab you by the ear and drag you inside their store if you enable an app to give you push notifications.
You’re allowing someone to at any time introduce an advertisement into your life. It’s time to shut it off. It’s not as if disabling notifications prevents you from utilizing the programs you prefer. Simply put, it gives you back control; you use your mobile phone when you want to, not when someone else’s data predicts you’re likely to make purchases.
You don’t have to be disturbed by notifications for every “like” your most recent Instagram post receives or the fact that a new episode of your favorite podcast has just been launched. Turning off push notifications for as many applications as you can is a really easy technique to reduce Mobile Phone Addiction and distractions.

Remove Distracting Apps From Your Home Screen
Your phone is probably disorganized if you’ve never taken the effort to intentionally arrange it and identify which applications you actually need. More unused applications than you would think are on your phone. If you’ve owned the mobile for a few years, this is especially true.
Reduce your main home screen to its very basic. Which applications do I actually need to use every day? Although this may vary greatly from person to person. This can probably be reduced to less than a dozen, we guess.
We’re not suggesting that you delete all the other apps – just move them to subsequent home screens. It’s amazing what a little clarity can do for your productivity. A little distance from non-essential apps can be healthy.
“A lot of phone usage is unconscious behavior. “You shift from Facebook to Instagram, to checking the weather, to texts.” leads you towrds Mobile Phone Addiction. Keep the apps you want to motivate yourself to use prominently displayed, such as those for reading or learning a new language.

Keep Your Phone Away From Your Bed
Your productivity will suffer if you check your phone frequently during the day, and the quality of your sleep may suffer if you stare at the screen right before bed.
Avoid checking your phone as your last thing to see at night and first thing in the morning. You’ll avoid being tempted to start your day by becoming vortexed into an avalanche of messages and updates by utilising a conventional alarm clock and charging your phone out of reach.
When your phone is literally out of your sight and grasp, it is simpler to resist the urge to check it. Who desires to continually stand up and move to a different area of their apartment? You can develop a habit of being able to ignore your phone while it is on your person the more often you physically remove it.
Keep your mobile phone out of your bedroom to avoid Mobile Phone Addiction and many of the side effects of excessive use, such as poor sleep, hindered communication any many more, The same trick can help you at work, school, and family dinners. When there’s no phone on the table in front of you, it’s much easier to focus on the things you need to do, be it finishing some work or chatting with your loved ones
This is a helpful practice for all people, but I think it is especially important for those you have kids or a spouse at home in need of their undivided attention

Try Enabling Grayscale On Your Smartphone
Making your smartphone’s screen far less appealing to look at is one of the most startling methods to reduce the Mobile Phone Addiction and amount of time you spend using it.
In order to get rid of the “shiny incentives” that bright symbols provide you every time you unlock, Time Well Spent, a nonprofit organization devoted to altering our connections with technology, advises setting your phone’s display to grayscale.
Although you can turn it off several times when you wanted to use Maps or photographs, they found this approach to be highly successful at keeping them away from applications like Facebook and Instagram.

Reward Yourself For Putting Down The Phone More Frequently
Positive self-reinforcement is a theory that is applied in therapy to teach a person positive habit via the use of a reward system. This method is excellent and simple.
For instance, if you spend less time than usual on your daily tasks, treat yourself to your favourite meal, a fancy coffee, a new item, a trip outside, make your favourite dessert, or a fun activity.

Great….. Informative… I will try to avoid excessive use of mobile from now on
All the points are vaild….. impressive 👍
Appreciate your efforts to combat mobile phone addiction
Now a days its a common issue.everybody is suffering from this problem. Good efforts 👍
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